Please join us for these FREE events
All walks begin at the Sunset Ridge entrance. Parking available at the trailhead and at Duzine Elementary.

Owl Program
Come see birds of prey presented by animal rehabilitator Annie Mardiney of Wild Mountain Birds ! Learn and play ecology games and activities, and have your face painted! Free family fun. See you there!
Sunset Ridge Trailhead, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Spring Festival
Come celebrate Spring in Mill Brook Preserve! Search the woods for treasure in our annual rock hunt, learn and play ecology games and activities! Free family fun to support our beloved forest. See you there!
Sunset Ridge Trailhead, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. RAIN DATE April 28th.

Bee Active: Elting Library Guided Hike at Mill Brook Preserve
Join educator Adam Harlec for a family-oriented hike through Mill Brook Preserve.
Register here

Live Owls and Nature Hike
Join us for a celebration of nature! Wildlife rehabilitator Annie Mardiney will present live owls and naturalist Julie Seyfert will lead a nature hike. Meet at the Sunset Ridge entrance at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 4th.

Tree Appreciation and ID
Walk along with Lynn Bowdery to observe and learn about the variety of different trees thriving in Mill Brook Preserve.
1 pm- 3 pm. Rain date 11/5
Please email to sign up.

Nature Yoga
Certified as a yoga teacher and children’s yoga teacher, Jacqui Feinstix will lead a beginner-friendly class for all levels. Find more information about Jacqui and her practice at Born-to-Love. Class will last 60 minutes; please bring a mat, towel and block if you have them!
Rain date 10/19

Woods Wise Kids
Join MBP educator Julie Seyfert for outdoor education, games, crafts, and more. This program is appropriate for kids in grades 3 to 7. Caregivers may join in or meet us after.
Tuesdays from 4 to 5:30 p.m., October 3 to November 7
Email Julie to sign up at

Bee Active: Elting Library Guided Hike at Mill Brook Preserve
Join educator Adam Harlec for a family-oriented hike through Mill Brook Preserve.
Register here

Open Discovery Walk
Walk along with Lynn Bowdery to discover and discuss whatever catches our attention as we explore the paths and waterways. At this time of year, there is a chance of hearing Spring Peepers and American Toads singing in the beaver impoundments. Early wildflowers, birds, insects, and other organisms will be responding to the new warmth and longer daylight. Binoculars and magnifiers are recommended.
Meet at the end of Sunset Drive (Green Trailhead). 10am-12pm.
Please email if you plan on attending.

Spring Festival
Come celebrate Spring in Mill Brook Preserve! Search the woods for treasure in our annual rock hunt, learn and play ecology games and activities, and listen to live music by local musicians. Family fun to support our beloved forest. See you there!
Sunset Ridge Trailhead, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. RAIN DATE April 16th.

Family Sensory Hike
Join Adam Harlec (local parent, environmental educator, and Mill Brook Preserve Board member) on a family friendly hike. We will use all of our senses as we immerse ourselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of Spring! Bring along a snack, water bottle, and sense of adventure. Boots strongly advised as the springtime mud will be present as we make our way through the preserve.
Meet at the end of Sunset Drive (Green Trailhead). 11am-1am.
Please email if you plan on attending.

Fall Family Hike
Join Adam Harlec for a child-paced, family-friendly hike in the preserve. We will stop along the way to investigate the changes happening to plants and animals in the preserve as they prepare for winter. Please bring a water bottle, snack, and your sense of adventure! Rain date for this event will be November 20, same time.
Registration required and space is limited. Email Adam Harlec ( to RSVP.
Friends of the Forest | A Benefit for Mill Brook Preserve, Inc. featuring The Bernstein Bard Trio
Please join us for an afternoon of music, raptors, wine, and cheese while we raise money to support our beloved forest.
Animal Tracks and Signs
Learn about the ancient art of tracking with Mill Brook Preserve Director Julie Seyfert-Lillis. Together we'll look for signs of animals: tracks, scat, homes, feeding sites, and more. This will lead to discussion about animal behavior and how they fit into the ecosystem. Please RSVP here.
Senior Nature Walk and (Mini) Laughter Yoga
Jim Gordon will lead seniors on a walk on the paths of our wonderful preserve, concluding with an introduction to laughter yoga. Please RSVP here.

Fall Forest Frolic
Come join us for a family friendly hike around Mill Brook Preserve! We will take a casual stroll (child paced) and discover the wonders that the preserve has to offer. Please wear sturdy shoes and come with questions you or your child may have. This hike will require that caregivers stay with their children. Rain date for this event will be October 24, same time.
No RSVP required

Learn at Least 4 Lichens
Lynn Bowdery will lead a walk on the paths of our wonderful preserve, pointing out and discussing some of the common lichens to be found there. We can stop and examine other things that we find, too.
Group size is limited. Please email to register for this walk. Rain date is October 16, same time.

“Open Discovery” Walk | with Alex Bartholomew
SUNY Geology professor and board member Alex Bartholomew will lead a walk through the Preserve. We will look at and discuss whatever catches our attention as we explore the paths and waterways. Q&A about trails and animal monitoring.

Earth Day Fair and Fundraiser
Celebrate Earth Day and support your local preserve!
- Guided walks with naturalists
- Treasure Trails rock hunt
- Jr Ranger program
- Crafts and activities
- and More!

“Open Discovery” Walk | with Lynn Bowdery
We will look at and discuss whatever catches our attention as we explore the paths and waterways. At this time of year, there is a chance of hearing Spring Peepers and American Toads singing in the beaver impoundments. Early wildflowers, birds, insects, and other organisms will be responding to the new warmth and longer daylight. Binoculars and magnifiers are recommended.

Tree ID | with Tom O’Dowd
Trees and other woody plants give structure to our forests and properties. Identifying them can help botanists, birders, ecologists, and homeowners understand what we see in the woods. We’ll look at ways to use barks, buds, branches, and bracts to identify trees in the winter and beyond.

CANCELED/RAIN Become a Junior Ranger! | with Julie Seyfert-Lillis
Check back as we will reschedule this event:
Children participate in a nature walk, break a snack, and complete their activity booklets before taking the Junior Ranger pledge & receiving their badge!